Utah County Expired/Archived External Purchasing Bids and Request for Price
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Expired Requests For Proposal
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Bid No: 2023-25

Bid Name: Patrol Office Expansion

Open Date - Close Date: 6/1/2023 to 6/21/2023

Awarded Vendor:

Description: Through this Invitation to Bid (ITB), Utah County intends to select a General Contractor to build an expansion to the existing Patrol Office at the Utah County Security Center in Spanish Fork, Utah. Bid documents found at: https://utahcounty-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/robertb_utahcounty_gov/EmIY7T-QbA9BsOJ0LrSy8KgBRcf1jmH71xvDk8WLIBc_zA?e=uEe5kK