Utah County External Purchasing Bids and Request for Price
Click on a "View RFP Document" button below for more information about each bid. Bid packets containing all specifications and requirements are also available from the office of the Purchasing Manager. Vendors are strongly encouraged to register with U3P and GovSpend, which will enable them to automatically receive notifications of County solicitations.
Current Open Requests For Proposal

Bid No: 2024-2

Bid Name: Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)

Open Date - Close Date: 3/19/2024 to 5/1/2024

Awarded Vendor:

Description: Utah County Government seeks proposals from qualified respondents for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software and Implementation Services. The initial scope of award will be for the financial functions provided by an ERP system, however, as detailed further in section 1.3.1, the County’s evaluation will consider the functionality and capabilities of both finance and human capital management in the proposed system. Please see the U3P website to obtain all relevant documents, or contact the Utah County Purchasing Manager, Robert Baxter at RobertB@utahcounty.gov.